With these he will take his first steps, meet the world, run to your arms...
His little feet deserve your care.
"If you see your child in this sitting position please contact us for an examination because this position is wrong and creates a big problem for the legs and development."
Podiatry |
At first, his paws are pink and soft, a temptation for endless tickling, kissing and playing. Then, the baby starts to lose heart and, a little hesitantly and clumsily at first, begins to walk, to later end up running, jumping, dancing.
A baby's first steps are decisive for its life and psyche. It is usually a child's first achievement, and one of the most important on his path to... adult life.
The secret to strong legs is simple: Freedom of movement! But, let's take things from the beginning.
An adult's leg is a masterpiece of art and engineering. It consists of 26 bones, connected to each other and moving thanks to a complex tissue of muscles and ligaments.
The construction of the baby foot, however, is very different. At birth, your baby has 22 bones. There are large gaps between them, while the muscles and ligaments are still weak.
The podiatrist, always in collaboration with the doctor attending the child, can intervene on the ankles and soles, performing a biomechanical examination.
There are cases where orthopedic insoles are needed to treat the foot. Placing, therefore, in the child's shoes the specially made orthopedic insoles for the correction and treatment of the child.
Watch your child's feet for the following conditions which are much more serious:
Crooked calves:
It is normal for children who have just started walking. By the age of two, the knees curve outwards, while from two to six years they curve inwards.
There are children who take their first steps on their toes, but quickly use the whole sole. However, if nose walking continues even beyond the ages of 5-6 years, it may be related to psychosomatic problems.
Flat soles:
It is characteristic of all babies. The arches become distinct by the third year, when the child also walks normally. In cases where the child continues to have flat feet due to heredity (flatfoot) or some other reason, you can create a treatment program with the help of the podiatrist after an examination.
In this way, the leg "works" properly and injuries are avoided, such as tendinitis, bruises, lower back and knee pain, etc.
Curved fingers:
Children under the age of three usually walk with their toes curled, for better balance. Others walk with toes pointing upwards. Both cases are completely normal and correct as the child grows.
Hardnesses and scars:
It is the result of the poor fitting of children's shoes. The same applies to calluses usually.
Legs that differ in size: This is not uncommon, so it is important to measure both of your baby's feet regularly, keeping you informed.